Genius Barでのアポがいつも遅れて始まるように見える理由を元従業員が説明
Apple Storeで働いていた人物が、なぜGenius Barで待たされることが多いのかを丁寧に説明しています。
ブレッド・ピット博士(@drbreadpitt)は、Apple StoreでのGenius Bar予約がなぜ時間通りに始まらないように見えるのかを連投ツイートで明らかにしました。
First off, the system is already stacked against you (and the employees). The scheduling system will typically book appointments with the expectation that nearly 20-40% of appointments won’t show up. So what happens when everyone does show up? You’re gonna wait! 2/
— Dr. Bread Pitt (@drbreadpitt) August 18, 2022
Employees and technicians are human, they call out, they come in late, they have emergencies. When that happens it’s up to the stores leadership to try to reschedule support and close their queues but if they don’t guess what? They’re going to be overbooked and be late! 3/
— Dr. Bread Pitt (@drbreadpitt) August 18, 2022
The system allocates time per appointment based on the diagnosis for your issue. If you need a cable swapped 3-5minutes but if you have cell issues that may be 16-20min. So if you or a new employee books too many of these wrong apps a day, it’s gonna make everyone else wait. 4/
— Dr. Bread Pitt (@drbreadpitt) August 18, 2022
ピット博士なる人物は7年近く前にGenius Barの予約システムの立ち上げに携わったそうですが、このシステムの仕組みが正しく理解されておらず、待ち時間に影響をもたらすことがある、とも述べています。